Australia: The Land Where Time Began |
Box Gully – Aboriginal Occupation South of the Murray River
Before the LGM
At Box Gully on the northwest tip of the
Lake Tyrrell
lunette archaeological
investigations have uncovered the first documentation of the extensive
region between the Murray
River and the Tasmanian highlands dating to before 30,000 calBP.
Richards et al. carried out 5 new radiocarbon determinations on charcoal
associated with cultural material in the palaeosols ranged from about
32,000 cal BP near the bottom to about 26,600 cal BP near the top, and
they are supported by both conventional radiocarbon and Optically
Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dates that were independently obtained
during geomorphic investigations of Box Gully. Within the palaeosols
were hearth features, stone artefacts and the remains of bettong,
hare-wallabies, shingle-backed lizards, emu and freshwater mussel.
Review of the archaeological record of the Late
Pleistocene from the
western Murray Basin allows the material recovered from Box Gully to be
placed in a human occupation context of adaptation to severe climatic
stress in the lead up to the
After about 27,000 calBP climatic conditions deteriorated still further
and localities that included
Willandra Lakes,
Lake Tandou and the
Lower Darling were
frequented much less heavily than they had been up to that time, or as
occurred at Lake Tyrrell, they were abandoned. Sustained occupation of
the Murray River valley occurred at the same time, as did initial
occupation of the southern Victorian rock shelters.
The first documentation of pre-30,000 cal. BP
Aboriginal occupation of the extensive area between the Murray River and
the Tasmanian highlands was uncovered by recent archaeological
investigation at Box Gully, which is located on the northwestern tip of
the lunette of Lake Tyrell. The remains were uncovered of repeated small
scale camping episodes in palaeosols that capped a buried pelletal clay
lunette. There were 5 new radiocarbon dates determined on charcoal that
was associated with cultural material in the palaeosols that ranged from
about 32,000 cal. BP near the bottom to about 26,000 cal. BP near the
top, that are supported by conventional radiocarbon and Optically
Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) that were obtained independently during
geomorphic investigations of Box Gully. There were hearth features,
stone artefacts and the remains of bettong, hare wallaby, shingle backed
lizards, emu and freshwater mussels that were recovered from the
palaeosol. Review of the Late Pleistocene archaeological record of the
western Murray Basin allowed the Box Gully finds to be placed in a human
occupation context of adaptation to the severe climate stress that was
present leading up to the Last glacial Maximum (LGM). Lacustrine
localities such as the Willandra Lakes, Lake Tandou and the Lower
Darling were frequented much less heavily frequently than they had
previously been, or were abandoned as had been Lake Tyrrell. The Murray
Valley continued to be occupied at the same time, as did the initial
occupation of rock shelters in the southern Victoria highlands. The archaeological record of pre-LGM Australian
Aboriginals has been of intense interest for a long time because of its
association with the first occupation by the Aboriginal people of, and
the initial adaptation to, the continent. Coupled with advances in
dating and controversy over the age claims of certain sites, recent
discoveries highlight the relatively small size and patchy distribution
of the record that is known for this period (e.g. Roberts et
al., 1990,1994; Gillespie,
2002; Thorne et al., 1999;
Smith et al., 2001; Turney et
al., 2001; Bowler et
al., 2003). In southeastern
Australia, occupation by Aboriginal people of the Murray River,
especially from the Willandra Lakes and the lower Murray River areas,
has been well documented (e.g. Hope et
al., 1983; Balme & Hope,
1990; Johnston et al., 1998;
Bowler et al., 2003). The
prehistory of the large area to the south of the Murray River and north
of Tasmania is, however, virtually unknown during this period. It was
proposed (Ross, 1981, 1982, 1984) that most of the Victorian Mallee,
with the exception of areas near the Murray River, was occupied after
about 3,500 BP, and this model persisted in the literature (e.g. Flood,
1989:219; Lourandos, 1997: 227-229; Murray, 1998; Mulvaney & Kamminga,
1999: 310). In late 2001 investigations at Box Gully (AAVA
7427-101), located in a clay lunette at the northern end of Lake Tyrell,
Victoria, were carried out as part of a field school that was designed
to provide archaeological and cultural heritage management training to
local Aboriginal people (Richards, 2004; Richards & Webber, 2004). The
presence of Aboriginal occupation deposits in the sediments about 23,400
years radiocarbon (Macumber, 1991) had been suggested by previous
geomorphological work, an impression that was supported by
archaeological field inspections in 1977 and 1991 (Witter,
Luebbers & Ellender); though this possible site had never been
investigated by archaeological excavation. The Box Gully investigation
was designed to answer the major research question of whether the
Aboriginal people had occupied the Victorian Mallee prior to the LGM.
The goal was to evaluate whether evidence of Aboriginal occupation could
be retrieved from undisturbed pre-LGM subsurface contexts, and if so, to
characterise the nature of the evidence and its chronology, and discuss
its significance in the regional archaeological context.
Geomorphology The mallee tree, which is a low, multistemmed
eucalypt native to inland semi-arid sandplains of the western Murray
Basin in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia (Bowler & Magee,
1978:5), gave its name to the Mallee region. The Mallee refers to a
semiarid plain of parallel sand ridges, parabolic sand dunes, sand
sheets and saline lakes that are bounded by clay lunettes that cover an
area of several million hectares to the south of the Murray River
(Hills, 1975: 287-294). A few rivers that originate to the south of the
area and terminate within the area (Hills, 1975: 287) are sources of
freshwater that consist mainly of scattered springs and soaks. Lake Tyrell is a strongly saline lake that is fed
by groundwater discharge, though Tyrell Creek, a distributary channel
for floodwaters from the Avoca River, contributes occasionally
freshwater, together with direct rainfall and minor local runoff (Bowler
& Teller, 1986: 44; Luly, 1993: 588-589). The lakebed that is figure 8
shaped, is 23 km long (north-south), 11 km wide in the southern basin, 8
km wide in the northern basin, and at present rarely exceeds 1 m depth
(Bowler & Teller 1986: 44). The geomorphology of the site area during the
Pleistocene was studied by Macumber in the late 1970s (Macumber, 1991).
Box Gully is essentially a series of water erosion channels that cut
through the northwestern tip of the Lake Tyrell lunette and into the
ancient beach deposits. Lunettes, crescent shaped dunes rich in clay,
formed on the eastern side of saline lakes during the Late Pleistocene
in southeastern Australia (Bowler, 1973: 315-318, 325-327). There are 2
clay lunette formations that were defined (Macumber, 1991: 54-58):
The lower or ‘red’ lunette, that dated to about 40,000-24,000 BP by
radiocarbon (about 44,000-28,900 radiocarbon years cal. BP);
The upper or ‘grey’ lunette that overlay the lower lunette. A well-developed palaeosol capped the lower
lunette, which indicated a period of dune stability that was associated
with higher water levels in Lake Tyrrell. A phase of lower lake level
followed this high lake level phase, coinciding with the formation of
the upper lunette, which has not been directly dated, but post-dated
about 24,000 radiocarbon years BP (about 28,900 cal. BP) (Macumber,
1991: 58). Both lunettes, the upper and the lower, were
divided into A, B and C horizons (Macumber, 1991: 55-58). Horizon A, the
palaeosol that capped the lower lunette, displayed extensive evidence of
burning – many charcoal lenses and patches of discoloured sediments. In
the north of Box Gully in 1 of these burnt areas he observed ‘…small
chert artefacts, pieces of emu shall and burnt clay…’
(Macumber, 1991:56). A
calibrated age of about 28,200 radiocarbon years BP was provided by a
radiocarbon determination of associated charcoal. There are 2 other
radiocarbon determinations that were obtained on charcoal from horizon A
of the lower lunette, one of which came from the southern end of Box
Gully and the other from southeastern Lake Tyrrell. An age range of
about 26,400-32,000 cal. BP for horizon A was provided by the 3
determinations, which indicated that a stable land surface was formed by
the top of the lower lunette for a considerable period. There are also 2 OSL determinations, which were
not published, on the sediments from Box Gully that were available from
recent geomorphological investigations (Stone pers. Comm. 2002). An OSL
date of about 27,300 BP for the basal part of the upper lunette is in
close agreement with Macumber’s model of lunette formation. A
determination of about 76,000 BP OSL that was obtained for the onset of
the lower lunette is, however, markedly older than the previous date of
about 44,000 cal. BP for this event, which suggests a much longer span
for formation of the lower lunette than was modelled by Macumber (1991:
Stratigraphy and features Each stratigraphic layer was characterised in
terms of its texture, consolidation and colour. Testing found that
alkaline conditions were evident, the pH values ranging from 8.5 to 10.
Individual stratigraphic sequences from squares 1 and 2 were combined
into a composite sequence that was comprised of 5 strata. Strata 1-3
were sterile compact clays which according to Richards et
al. clearly correlate with
Macumber’s upper lunette, while Strata 4-5 correspond to his lower
lunette (Macumber, 1991). In the excavated squares 1 and 2 cultural
material is unambiguously associated with the Stratum 4 palaeosol in the
excavated Squares 1 and 2. A small amount was also found at the
interface of Strata 3 and 4, and in Stratum 5 in Square 2. The
distribution of charcoal, which may be of cultural or natural origin, is
characterised by its near absence in Strata 1-3, its concentration in
Stratum 4, and especially in association with cultural materials, and
its rarity in Stratum 5. A natural crack, which was largely filled in, in
the clay sediment in Square 1 extended from lower Stratum 3 down through
the top of Stratum 5. The crack fill, which was easily distinguished
from the surrounding sediment was excavated and sieved separately. There
was no cultural material within this sediment, and it was interpreted as
being material washed into a natural crack during the formation of
Stratum 3. A second very minor filled-in crack was present in the middle
of Stratum 4. Though these 2 cracks were detectable during excavation,
other smaller cracks were only visible in the sections, most being no
more than very thin vertical lines between prismatic clay structures.
According to Richards et al.
if cracking at this site were a problem due to the movement of
artefacts, then these items should originally been above their present
location, and they should have been scattered at various depths below
this concentration. There was no concentration found above Stratum 4,
and nearly all stone artefacts, as well as animal bones and charcoal
were found in this stratum; the overlying strata were found to be
essentially sterile. The cultural material was found within Stratum 4
throughout a range of about 35 cm in depth, in which concentration of
the different classes of material, such as stone, bone, egg shell,
charcoal, peaked at slightly different depths. A single flake found in
Stratum 5 in Square 2 was the only candidate for an artefact moving down
section and its most likely source would have been Stratum 4; it was,
however, made from a different raw material than artefacts that were
recovered from Stratum 4 and was found associated with charcoal that was
dated to an appropriate age that was consistent with its depth. There
are 3 features that were found at various vertical and horizontal
positions throughout Stratum 4 in Square 1. They were easily
distinguishable from the surrounding sediments, including the fill in
the cracks, consisting of charcoal concentrations overlying burnt
sediment (Richards et al.,
2004: Figs. 36 39). They are unambiguously of cultural origin, having
been used as fireplaces and ovens. There were 2 of these features that
extended beyond the boundaries of Square 1, so their maximum dimensions
are not known. All 3 are of circular plan, as far as can be determined,
with the largest over 88 cm in diameter and the smallest less than 40 cm
long. Their thickness ranges from 16 to 30 cm. Also, there are 2 other
possible features in Square
1, stratum 4; Loci 1 and 2 are less discrete concentrations of burnt
sediments and charcoal and less definitely cultural in origin. The
source of most of the charcoal found in Square 1 are the 3 features and
2 possible features, with the total amount of charcoal in Stratum 4
being 20 times greater than was found in Square 2, Stratum 4.
Chronology The Box Gully excavations have been dated by 6
radiocarbon determinations. Charcoal that was used to date the site was
analysed using the conventional as well as Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
(AMS) techniques. A single sample was the dated by the liquid
Scintillation Spectrometry technique, and the remaining 5 samples were
converted to graphite, after which it was measured by the AMS technique
(Hogg, 2002). Wood charcoal samples were used for all
determinations and have been converted to calendar years with the aid of
the CalPal 2005 SFPC curve (Weninger et
al., 2005), which
incorporates the latest datasets for the period about 15,000-55,000 BP
(e.g. Hughen et al., 2000,
2004; Burns et al., 2003, a,b;
Bard et al., 2004; Shackleton
et al., 2004; Fairbanks et
al., 2005). The calibrations
that resulted agree within 70-700 years with those of the curve employed
by Bowler (1998) for the many Willandra Lakes determinations, thereby
facilitation comparisons of human and environmental events and processes
with Lake Tyrell. Previous uncalibrated 14C determinations
from the region have been calibrated on the 2005 SFCP curve, for similar
reasons. Within each square the determinations are in
chronological order and agree well with previous radiocarbon dates on
charcoal from the lower lunette and recent OSL dates from the upper and
lower lunettes as discussed earlier. Dates which bracket the Stratum 4
palaeosol (lower lunette A of Macumber) range from about 32,000 cal. BP
at the base to about 26,600 cal. BP at the top, which indicates that the
lunette was stable for approximately 5,400 years. Throughout this span
occupation by humans continued repeatedly. It is suggested by a date of
44,000 cal. BP from Stratum 5 (lower lunette B of Macumber) that was
associated with s single flake of chert that there was a the possibility
of sporadic minor occupation also occurring during the earlier dry
lake-dune building phase.
Surface collection Fragments of animal bone as well as teeth,
fragments of emu egg shell, flaked stone artefacts, red ochre and
fractured stone were exposed on eroded surfaces and section edges around
Square 2. Some of these items were still
in situ and some had recently
been exposed by erosion of the lower lunette deposit. All the cultural
material that was observed on the surface near Square 2 was below the
upper lunette/lower lunette interface – there was no material on or in
Stratum 3; given this surface distribution and the corresponding absence
of cultural material above the upper/lower lunette interface in the
excavations, the surface material that was collected was attributed with
caution to the period of human occupation associated with the lower
lunette palaeosol deposits.
Flaked stone Richards et
al. subjected the stone
artefacts that were collected from excavated (n=7 and surface (n=7)
Pleistocene contexts at Box Gully to a detailed technological analysis
(Richards et al., 2004); only
the salient features were presented in this paper. A limited range of
fracture types is displayed by the Box Gully assemblages, as was
expected in such a small sample. It is indicated by the technological
attributes of the artefacts that they were not the results of
procurement or primary flake activities. Only 1 of the artefacts had a
small amount of cortex. Most items were complete or nearly complete
flakes. There were 4 platforms and 5 scars of flake removal on the only
core that had been recovered and the core is extremely worked down, with
a maximum length of 14.0 mm. A very small split tool, with a maximum
length of 6.1 mm, was made from quartz and may be the result of
retouching or resharpening the edge of a larger tool. Flake platforms are simply prepared and have a
single scar (n=3) or display crushing. Removal of the overhang along the
proximal dorsal edge of flakes is also an indication of low intensity
preparation of a platform (n=3), and there are incidences of more
intensive working. All other flakes have been repeatedly struck in the
direction of the platform, having less than 3 dorsal scars. Early stage
reduction and limited core rotation is generally indicated. The dominant raw material that was used was
silcrete, followed by quartz. The only small item that was composed of
chert is a small, complete flake from Stratum 5 in Square 2. There are
no known sources or quarry sites of silcrete in the vicinity of Lake
Tyrell (Ross, 1982: 100; Grist, 1995; Kamminga & Grist, 2000), though
silcrete is available widely throughout the Mallee in Victoria (Webber &
Nicholls, 2004). There are also no known sources of chert or quartz
nearby (Bell et al., 1981;
Grist, 1995:7). According to Richards et
al. 13.6 mm is the mean
maximum length of all artefacts from Squares that have been excavated,
whatever the raw material used. This is comparable to the mean maximum
of artefacts that have been collected from the surface around Square 2,
if the angular fragment is excluded. The 3 flakes, 2 of silcrete and 1
of chert, have a mean maximum dimension of 12.5 mm (S.D. 5.0). A low intensity of early stage reduction is
generally indicated by the technological patterns that were observed in
the assemblages; it appears that decortified blocks or stone or flake
blanks were being transported to this locality for use, as well as some
in situ flaking was also
undertaken. A scale and organisation of residential mobility that is
consistent with short-term camping events is reflected by this pattern
of production and use.
Faunal remains Richards et
al. suggest that it is not
surprising that the faunal assemblage are modest, little material being
preserved, considering that the faunal assemblage recovered from the Box
Gully site date to 30,000 BP. There are not many diagnostic elements
present, as only the more robust bones have survived as a result of
superior cross-sectional strength (Walshe, 1998). The fauna have been
placed within the known suite of animals that were present in the Mallee
region of Victoria during the Quaternary, based on the taxonomic
identifications from the remains. Notable findings of the detailed
faunal analysis (Richards et al.,
2004) are presented below. Generally, the remains did not allow diagnostic
capability beyond the genus level, and in many cases not beyond the
family level. Among the animals that were recognised were mammals that
had a live weight of 1-3 kg (probably bettongs (Bettongia
sp.) and
(bandicoots); medium sized mammals of less than 5 kg; Shingle Back or
sleepy lizards (Trachydosus
sp.); Emu (Dromaius
sp.); freshwater mussels; other small reptiles and birds
(Richards et al., 2004: figs.
46-48). The best identification was found for
Bettongia sp. – a lower
tooth row that was incomplete with extremely worn molars from either the
Burrowing Bettong (Bettongia
lesueur), Brush-tailed bettong (Bettongia
penicillata) or the Tasmanian bettong (Bettongia
gaimardi). The
presence of the hare-wallaby, which was also once common in this region,
is indicated by 2 molar fragments, which most likely represent the
Eastern Hare Wallaby (Lagorchestes
leporides). The colour of burnt bone fragment recovered from
this site is black, brown or blue-white (Richards et
al., 2004: Fig. 49), which
indicates exposure to a range of temperatures from low to very high
(Shipman et al., 1984;
Walshe, 1994, 1998). Low temperature short term fire is suggest by
black, while a high temperature, long term fire, or repetitive burning
on the same spot is suggested by blue-white (calcination). According to
Richards et al. it is clearly
indicated by the predominance of burnt bone the biased survival of burnt
bone over unburnt bone in the assemblages. On the transverse ends of a few broken small
mammal limb bones (Richards et al.,
2004: Fig. 50) there are notches indicating bite marks. These bites are
consistent with
Dasyurus maculatus (tiger
quoll or spotted tail quoll) rather than other carnivores that were
assumed to have been active in this region 25,000-35,000 years ago (e.g.
Sarcophilus sp., Thylacinus sp.).
Therefore some of the bone represents scavenger activity and deposition
of scat. The presence of calcined bone can, however, be assigned to the
presence of humans and suggests that a likely scenario is that
Aboriginal people left food scraps that then attracted scavengers during
or between occupation events (Walshe, 2000). The assemblages consist of a few small bone
fragments, which prevent identification of breakage patterns that are
statistically valid. There are no types that can be assigned to human
agency with any certainty, but there are some breaks that are
characteristic of the smaller carnivores when they were eating prey
(Walshe, 1994). Burning the bones at high temperatures is suggested by
Richards et al. to have
caused the bones to become highly fragmented, which would mask or
obliterate other evidence of human agency in the formation of the
assemblages. The average size of prey animals that were
identified is about 1-2 kg, which falls into the realm of locally
collected, staples in their diet. This size range allows the prey
animals to be consumed completely without the need for processing. All
of the animals that were identified could be caught by hand from the
ground or by digging out, without the need of spearing. In sites from
the Pleistocene in this region it is not uncommon for smaller mammals
and reptiles to form a staple diet, as witnessed at Lake Mungo (Walshe,
1998). It was suggested by Richards et
al. that the absence of
larger prey, such as kangaroos, wallabies and wombats, etc., is probably
more a reflection the small amount of excavation that has been
undertaken so far, and not a definite behavioural pattern that suggests
a preference for smaller game. The larger prey would likely have been
prepared differently to smaller, and their remains disposed of in other
parts of the occupation area. A possible seasonal preference is suggested by
the presence of emu eggshell and mussel shell. Emus generally lay their
eggs in winter, though they are also known to lay them at any time
between April and October, depending on the local, variable conditions.
It is indicated by the growth patterns of freshwater mussels from the
Willandra Lakes region that have been analysed that they undergo
seasonal growth spurts. The time for collecting mussels varies and is
dependent on local conditions rather than strict calendar months, though
they reach their optimum in spring. The best time for the collection of
shingle back lizards has been suggested to be just prior to hibernation,
when fat has been stored to tide them over winter (Walshe, 1998). According to Richards et
al. the best indicator in
these assemblages is the presence of bone that has been highly burnt.
Scavenging of discarded food debris from Aboriginal people and the
deposition by tiger quolls of scat bone at the site contributed the
formation of the assemblages. The assemblages are a reflection of a
preponderance of dietary staple items that are available locally, such
as small mammals, reptiles, birds and invertebrates, with a notable
absence of medium or large mammals. An occupation from late autumn
through winter is suggested by emu eggshell and shingle back lizard
scutes, though this suggestion is far from conclusive.
Regional comparisons The best known pre-LGM archaeological record in
southeastern Australia is found at the Willandra Lakes that are located
about 140 km to the north of Box Gully. Reconstruction of the
palaeoenvironmental record of the lakes is largely the work of Jim
Bowler, and it provides a context for dating and interpreting the
associated archaeological data (Bowler, 1998; Bowler et
al., 2003). The first
relevant formation at this locality is the Lower Mungo Unit (LMU), which
is divided into a LMU-Sands subunit and a LMU-Soil subunit. The
LMU-Sands were deposited during an extended period of sand dune building
during a phase of high freshwater, that contained sparse evidence of
human activity in the period about 50,000-45,000 cal. BP (Bowler et
al., 2003:839). At Box Gully,
the single chert flake and associated charcoal flecks that were found in
the body of the lower lunette roughly corresponds in age to these
ephemeral traces of human occupation at Willandra, though the
environmental setting differs in that they correspond to a Pelletal Clay
Dune (PCD) building phase at Tyrrell, when it appears the saline lake
must have been dry or nearly dry. At Willandra, the Arumpo Unit dates to about
36,000-22,000 cal. BP during a period when the lake levels were
oscillating and the consequent alternation of PCD phases of PCD building
and soil formation. A few fish/shell middens characterise the cultural
record associated with the Arumpo Unit, and they have the most notable
concentration of hearth and ovens in the Willandra sequence, often in
association with highly burnt and small animal remains that and
fragmented (Bowler, 1998; Walshe, 1998). Box Gully deposits that date
from 32,000 to 26,600 cal. BP are similarly characterised by hearth and
oven features associated with small animal remains that accumulated on a
stable land surface (top of Lower Lunette). Richards et
al. suggest it is noteworthy
that at Willandra most of the fireplaces at Willandra date to the period
35,000-27,000 cal. BP which corresponds to a major drop in sea level
(Gillespie, 1998:180). It was suggested (Gillespie, 1998:180) that the
pattern of decreased fish/shell middens and increased fireplaces/ovens:
“… can perhaps be interpreted as a human response to dwindling
lacustrine resources, with more reliance placed on terrestrial fauna for
nutrition during a time of fluctuating but generally lower lake levels.”
The stable land surface at Box Gully that would argue for water in Lake
Tyrell during this period is the major difference between Box Gully and
Willandra. Lake Tyrell was never a source of food resources as a result
of its salinity, which differs from the case in most of the Willandra
Lakes, though throughout the Pleistocene fresh water may have been
available at the nearby soaks and other water holes adjacent to the
northeastern end of the lake. During the deteriorating environmental conditions
evidence of human occupation is scarce at Willandra about 26,000-22,000
cal. BP leading up to the LGM at about 21,500-20,000 cal. BP (Bowler,
1998:139,148; Gillespie, 1998:171, Fig. 4). Along the Lower Darling
River, including Lake Tandou (Gillespie, 1998: Fig. 5; Bowler, 1998:149;
Balme & Hope, 1990: Table 1), it is similarly scarce , and there is no
evidence of human habitation at Lake Tyrell after about 26,600 cal. BP
until well into the Holocene (Nichols 2001; Richards & Webber, 2004). At 110-140 km to the northwest of Lake Tyrell
there are 3 freshwater shell midden sites there is evidence of human
occupation that has been dated to just prior to the LGM. The 3 midden
sites are all near the Murray River, which would have carried an
increased freshwater load in the Late Pleistocene, and it would have
been able to support a resident Aboriginal population. The Karadoc Swamp
lunette was occupied during the Late Pleistocene, once at about 25,000
cal. BP and again at about 22,800 (Luebbers, 1995). There were also 2
periods of occupation at Merbein Common, the first at about 22,600 cal.
BP and the second at about 20,500 cal. BP (Coutts, 1977; Williams,
1998). Finally the middens at Monak, New South Wales, there are 2 dates
that average about 25,300 cal. BP (Edmonds, 1997). Thee freshwater shell middens that are highly
visible, and they are notably rare elsewhere in this region during the
period from about 26,000 to about 20,000 cal. BP and indicate continuing
human occupation throughout the LGM in the region. At these sites, the
timing of the occupation suggests a shift of human population from the
lakes that are largely dry to the Murray River, and possibly other
rivers (cf. Bowler, 1998:149), or alternatively less seasonal usage of
the lakes by populations that were to a large extent resident along the
Rivers. Evidence of human occupation increases again at Tandou after
about 22,000 cal. BP at Willandra and after about 20,000 cal. BP
(Bowler, 1998:149; Gillespie, 1998: Fig. 5) and continues to be present
along the Murray River Valley for the remainder of the Pleistocene and
throughout the Holocene. The occupation at Box Gully evidence can be seen,
in this regional context, as part of a larger pattern where human
populations occupy much of the region, some parts of which were possibly
occupied on seasonally, from at least 32,000 to 26,000 cal. BP, in spite
of the environmental, which was notably cooler and drier that it is at
the present. Some of this are areas was visited less frequently between
about 26,000 cal. BP and 20,000 cal. BP (e.g. Willandra, Lower Darling)
or abandoned (e.g. Lake Tyrell), probably as a result of extremely harsh
environmental conditions as has been reconstructed by Bowler (1998:149)
for the Willandra Lakes area during the LGM. Further away are excavated deposits with evidence
of human occupation as early as about 27,700 cal. BP at Drual
Rockshelter (Bird et al.,
1998, about 150 km to the north of Box Gully in the mountains of
Gariwerd. The initial evidence of occupation at New Guinea II Cave, East
Gippsland, about 400 km to the southeast of Box Gully, dates to as early
as about 26,400 cal. BP (Ossa et
al., 1995). It is suggested by Richards et
al. that these upland cave
and rockshelter sites were first occupied when the climate deteriorated,
and as arid areas appear to sustain smaller populations. It is possible
that occupation of these caves may have continued through the LGM.
It has been demonstrated by the Box Gully excavations that Aboriginal
occupation occurred there before the LGM , over a period from about
32,000-26,600 calBP. As well as extending the known period of Aboriginal
occupation of the southern portion of the
Mallee by more than 20,000
years, it is the first documented evidence of Aboriginal occupation
south of the Murray River and north of Tasmania earlier than 30,000 BP.
Evidence was also found of possible earlier occupation before 40,000 BP.
At Box Gully the main occupation occurred during a period of climatic
instability leading up to the extreme drying and temperature depression
of the LGM (Bowler, 1998; Gillespie, 1998).
Significant pelletal clay dune
formation did not occur at Lake Tyrrell, which was less salty than
at present, at it contained at least season water, and at the top of the
lunette a stable, vegetated land surface formed (Macumber, 1991: 58,286;
Bowler & Teller, 1986: 58). Richards et
al. suggest fresh water may
have been present at this time at nearby Soaks, with the result that
although there was a harsh climate, there would have been a variety of
plant and animal resources available.
According to Richards et al.
at Box Gully the evidence from Stratum 4 needs to be considered to be a
composite record of an unknown number of independent occupation events.
Open fire places and ovens for heating and cooking purposes were used by
the people camping at this site, which they possibly did in the late
autumn-winter. The foods consumed at the site were such things as
bettongs, hare-wallabies, shingle-backed lizard, emu eggs and freshwater
mussels, which all would be expected to be available in the vicinity of
the site. Tiger Quoll and other predators were attracted to the site to
scavenge the food remains. Evidence of stone working activities mostly
indicate low intensity, early stage reduction of material that had been
brought to the site from elsewhere in a partially processed form.
Evidence at this site of human occupation is consistent with
small-scale, short-term, seasonal visits to Box Gully that repeatedly
occurred over thousands of years.
Author: M.H.Monroe Email: Sources & Further reading |