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End-Permian Extinction amplified by Plume-Induced Release of
Recycled Lithospheric Volatiles
Magmatic volatiles can be released to the atmosphere that can lead to
climatic changes and environmental degradation that can be substantial,
such as the production of acid rain, acidification of the ocean and
depletion of ozone, the combination of which can result in the collapse
of the biosphere. In the entire history of the Earth the largest of all
the recorded mass extinction that have occurred took place at the end of
the Permian, and it coincided with the emplacement of the Siberian large
igneous province (Siberian Traps), which suggest that a key driver of
global environmental change is large scale magmatism. The source and
nature of volatiles in the Siberian large igneous province (SLIP) has
remained contentious. In this paper Broadly et
al. present halogen
compositions of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle xenoliths that
were emplaced prior to and after the Siberian flood basalts. In this
study they found that the Siberian lithosphere is massively enriched in
halogens from the infiltration of subducted volatiles that were derived
from seawater and that a considerable amount, up to 70% of lithospheric
halogens are assimilated into the plume and then released to the
atmosphere during emplacement. The interaction of the plume and the
lithosphere is therefore a key process that controlled the content of
volatiles in large igneous provinces and, therefore, the extent of
environmental crises, the led to mass extinctions during their
Large igneous provinces (LIPs) result from the rapid eruptions of large
volumes of magma over short geological timescales. The Siberian flood
basalts (SFB) that were emplaced at the boundary of the Permian-Triassic
comprised about 4 x106 km3 of basalt in less than
1 My (Burgess et al., 2017). The eruption of the SFB took place
contemporaneously with the main stage of the end-Permian crisis, and it
has been hypothesised to have contributed to environmental changes that
resulted in the loss of >90% of the all marine, and >70% of all
terrestrial species (Wignall, 2001; Erwin et al., 2002). The mass
extinction that occurred at the close of the Permian has been attributed
to sharp fluctuations in global temperatures and/or increased levels of
UV radiation that was the result of extensive depletion of the ozone,
both of which are known to be associated with the magmatic release of
volatiles to the atmosphere (Wignall, 2001; Beerling et al., 2007;
Svensen et al., 20090; Grard et al., 2005; Guex et al., 2016), The
amount of volatiles that are expected to have been released to the
atmosphere from the SFB, assuming conventional plume source magmatism,
is insufficient to account for the extent of environmental degradation
and climatic fluctuations that occurred during the end-Permian crisis,
which required an additional source of volatiles to be released during
emplacement of the Siberian flood basalts (Self et al., 2006; Sobolev et
al., 2009). In order to reconcile the volatiles missing from the SFB, it
has been argued vigorously that large quantities of volatiles were
released by contact metamorphism of a sedimentary sequence (Burgess et
al., 2017; Svensen et al., 2009), by melting of recycled eclogite within
the mantle plume (Sobolev et al., 2011) or by melting of the cratonic
lithosphere (Guex et al., 2016). It is not known, however, the source of
volatiles species that were responsible for climatic fluctuations and
ozone depletion during the end-Permian crisis.
In this paper Broadley et al.
report the first detailed halogen data (Cl, Br and I) data for
peridotite xenoliths from 2 Siberian kimberlites:
Udachnaya at 360 Ma, that was emplaced before, and
Obnazhennaya at 160 Ma, after the eruption of the SFB about 250 Ma
(Reichow et al., 2002; Ivanov et al., 2013).
The Udachnaya (n = 9)
represent extraction of melt from the depleted cratonic mantle, whereas
Obnazhennaya xenoliths (n =
6) contain cratonic lithosphere from the Archaean as well as melt
residues that were generated from the SFB plume (Pernet-Fisher et al.,
2015). A means to estimate the composition of the SFB eruption before
eruption, and to quantify the contribution of the lithospheric mantle to
the halogen budget of the SFB, is provided by determining the halogen
composition of the cratonic subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM;
Udachnaya) and the plume residues (Obnazhennaya).
Lithospheric mantle – a reservoir for halogens
The SCLM retains geochemical homogeneities that were introduced through
interactions with the mantle, crustal and subduction-related sources
(Walker et al., 1989; McDonough, 1990), because of its isolation and
non-conductive nature. Metasomatic components that are infiltrating the
SCLM are sampled by mantle xenoliths. These xenoliths, which are
transported rapidly to the surface during kimberlite volcanism, provide
a window into the composition and origin of SCLM volatiles (Taylor et
al., 1998; Howarth et al., 2014; Parry et
al., 2015).
Neutron-irradiated noble gas mass spectrometry was used to determine the
halogen and noble gas composition of Udachnaya and Obnazhennaya. It was
found that the range of concentrations of Cl, Br and I within the
Udachnaya and Obnazhennaya xenoliths are distinct, with average
concentrations from crushing and stepped-heating consistently higher in
the Udachnaya samples, which indicates that they originate from
different domains within the SCLM. As was indicated during crushing
experiments, halogen-bearing fluids present in the samples, have a
similar range of Br/Cl and I/Cl values in both Udachnaya and
Obnazhennaya xenoliths. The xenoliths show evidence for distinct
endmember halogen compositions during stepped-heating of crushed
residues. Similar Br/Cl and I/Cl values of more mantle-like values are
retained by Udachnaya to those that were measured during crushing.
Helium isotope data that had been published previously also vary between
xenolith suites, with the average 3He/4He value of
Udachnaya (0.4 ± 0.3 RA,
R = 3He/4He
of atmosphere = 1.38 x 10-6) consistently lower than
Obnazhennaya (4.2 ± 0.9 RA), which has a maximum 3He/4He
value (8.4 ± 0.3 RA) that is similar to mid-ocean ridge
basalt (MORB) (Barry et al., 2015). 3He/4He, Br/Cl
and I/Cl seem to be coupled, which shows that fluids within the
Obnazhennaya xenoliths represent a mixture that is rich in 4He,
Br and I, and a component that has mantle-like 3He/4He
and halogen composition. The lower 3He/4He and the
elevated Br/Cl, I/Cl values that are characteristic of Udachnaya
xenoliths are considered to be representative of the ancient
metasomatised section of the SCLM (metasomes) that was present prior to
the major influence of the SFB mantle plume. Contrasting with this, it
is suggested by Obnazhennaya helium and halogen data a plume-like origin
that mixed substantially with volatiles that were SCLM-derived. Similar
rare earth element (REE) patterns and ages of melt extraction between
Obnazhennaya xenoliths and the SFB (Pernet-Fisher et al., 2015) are
supportive of the observations of a plume-like volatile source in
Obnazhennaya xenoliths.
Within the metasomatised section of the SCLM the initial inventory of
halogens prior to the impingement of the plume can be estimated by using
the composition of the Udachnaya xenoliths. The Siberian SCLM
transitions from depleted harzburgite and Iherzolites to peridotites
that were predominantly metasomatised at a depth of 180-190 km (Griffin
et al., 2002). The metasomatised portion of the Siberian SCLM contains
about 0.6-1.5 x 1019, 1.6-2.7 x 1017 and 0.5-1.1 x
1014 kg of Cl, Br and I, respectively, if it is assumed that
the Udachnaya xenoliths are representative of metasomatised peridotite
xenoliths in the lower 30 km of the SCLM, and taking the surficial area
of the Siberian Craton (4 x 106 km2). Therefore,
the metasomatised Siberian SCLM is enriched in Cl, Br and I by factors
of up to 125, 675 and 100 times, respectively, relative to the depleted
MORB mantle (DMM) (Kendrick et
al., 2017). Therefore, the SCLM is notably larger and more
heterogeneous halogen reservoir than has been previously considered, and
may impart a major influence on global volatile cycles (Burgess et al.,
LIP emplacement – release of lithospheric halogens
According to Broadley et al.
even small proportions of the halogens present in the base of the
Siberian SCLM were released to the surface it would have important
consequences for the halogen cycle, because of the comparatively large
quantity of halogens present in the base. When halogens are erupted to
the stratosphere they catalyse reactions that destroy ozone, which
raises the levels of UV radiation that reaches the surface of the Earth
that are biologically damaging (Johnston, 1980; Daniel et al., 1999).
Potentially, the transit of the SFB through the SCLM could have
liberated major amounts of halogens, as well as other volatiles, to the
atmosphere, which would have contributed to the decline of species and
extinction during the end-Permian crisis.
Udachnaya xenoliths formed at greater depths, >50 km difference (Howarth
et al., 2014), in the lithosphere compared to Obnazhennaya xenoliths.
The identification of metasomatic signatures that were Udachnaya-like in
Obnazhennaya is an indication that the volatiles that are present in the
metasomatised basal SCLM were mobilised and ascended to shallower levels
of the SCLM. There are trace element signatures in Obnazhennaya
xenoliths that fall within the values reported for the SFB (Howarth et
al., 2014), strong depletions of P-platinum-group elements that are not
characteristic of cratonic lithosphere and Os isotopic composition that
are consistent with an age of formation that is similar to the time of
plume impingement (Pernet-Fisher et al., 2015). It is indicated by these
characteristics that the part of the lithosphere sampled by Obnazhennaya
kimberlite represent the melt residue of the SFB plume (Pernet-Fisher et
al., 2015). The identification of signatures of metasomatised SCLM
within the Obnazhennaya xenoliths suggests, therefore, that the SFB
plume impacted the base of the lithosphere, with the results that the
melts incorporated volatiles that had been mobilised from the deeper
metasomatised SCLM, after which it was erupted at the surface or stalled
in the lithosphere. The contribution of volatiles derived from the SCLM
to the SFB plume can therefore be estimated by using differences in the
halogen and noble gas signatures between the Udachnaya (metasomatised
SCLM) and Obnazhennaya (SFB + metasomatised SCLM) xenoliths.
The amount of assimilation from the SCLM (Udachnaya) can be estimated by
the extent of mixing between the 2 sources, if it assumed that the melt
residues in Obnazhennaya lithosphere had a starting composition that was
similar to the SFB plume (12.7 RA
and mantle-like Br/Cl and I/Cl values (Kendrick et al., 2012; Basu et
al., 1995). In order to reconcile He, Br and I systematics between the
SFB plume and the SCLM component that is represented by Udachnaya
requires that up to 70% of volatiles in Obnazhennaya are derive d from
SCLM. Also, any potential overprinting that is related to crustal
assimilation which affects the halogen composition of the melt can be
excluded because the rapid transport of xenoliths to the surface
via kimberlite volcanism limits interaction with the surrounding
crust (Kelly & warthog, 2000; Alexeev et al., 2007).
It is estimated that the total fluxes of Br and I to the atmosphere are
2.3 c 1013 kg and 9.6 x 1010 kg, respectively,
taking the volume of Cl that was degassed as calculated from the SFB
melt inclusions (8.7 x 1015 kg) (Aiuppa et al., 2005). It is
assumed by this calculation that the melt had Br/Cl and I/Cl values that
are similar to Obnazhennaya and that the halogens are not fractionated
during degassing (Ross et al.,2005). Reactive gases HCl and Br are
injected into the lower stratosphere by explosive eruptions (~12-25 km)
which deplete ozone levels; whereas in effusive eruptions soluble HCl is
washed out before it reaches the stratosphere (Kendrick et al., 2012).
When only explosive events are considered (20-30 % of the SFB (Millard
et al., 2006), a rate of injection into the stratosphere is about 75%
(Black et al., 2012) and the amount of Cl that is measured within the
SFB (Aiuppa et al., 2005), (⅔ of the total eruptive volume over 300 ky)
(Burgess & Bowring, 2015) is equivalent to 0.5-1.0 Pinatubo (1991-1992)
eruptions, which caused a 15-20% reduction in global ozone (Westrich &
Gerlach, 1992) every year for 300 Ky. It is predicted by models of ozone
depletion during the eruption of the SFB that use estimated
stratospheric HCl fluxes predict a 30-55% reduction in ozone over the
same eruptive timeframe. These stratospheric HCl flux estimates are 5
times lower than that predicted from the SFB melt inclusions (8.7 x 1015
kg) (Aiuppa et al., 2005). Also, the consequences of Br degassing on the
depletion of ozone is not taken into account in these estimates. During
the emplacement of the SFB the large release of Br to the stratosphere,
as indicated by the high Br/Cl value of the Siberian SCLM, probably
exacerbated further the depletion of the ozone. The capacity of Br to
deplete ozone is much greater, about 45 times more effective (Daniel et
al., 1999), and could have reduced the level of ozone by a further 20%
during the SFB eruption. The scale of the halogen degassing fluxes is
sufficient to incur a near to total loss of global ozone during the
end-Permian crisis, though there are several uncertainties in the rate
and magnitude of volatile degassing during the magmatism of the SFB.
Melt inclusions within the SFB contain 0.01-0.33 wt% Cl (Sobolev et al.,
2011; Aiuppa et al., 2005), which is an order of magnitude higher than
the maximum Cl concentrations in other LIPS. It has been found that
inclusions with high concentrations of Cl were equally enriched in other
volatile species such as fluorine (1.95 wt%) and sulphur (0.51 wt%)
(Aiuppa et al., 2005). A very low degree of partial melting, or the
assimilation of volatiles from another unknown reservoir would be
required to form such high volatile content within these melts, from an
initial DMM-like composition. Volatiles can be concentrated in the melt
fraction by low degrees of partial melting, however, the high contents
of Mg measured within the melt inclusions precludes low degrees of
partial melting, which suggests that the assimilation of volatile-rich
material is the most likely cause of the high volatile contents in the
The composition of the Obnazhennaya xenoliths, which were assumed to
represent plume melt residues, can be used to estimate whether the SCLM
is the potential source of volatile enrichment in the SFB. In order to
account for the elevated olivine Fo >92 (forsterite content, Fo%: molar
Mg/(Mg + Fe) x 100) (Pernet-Fisher et al., 2015) and the Chlorine
composition of this melt can therefore be estimated by using a batch
melting model (Shaw, 2006). Partition coefficients for Cl between
olivine (DClOl/Melt =1.9 x 10-2) and
pyroxene (DClPyx/Melt = 1.5 x 10-2)
that were determined experimentally were used to calculate the Cl
concentration of the melt at 1,500oC, prior to eruption
(Joachim et al., 2015). Cl concentrations of 0.1-0.2 wt% in the melt
were yielded by using the range of Cl concentrations in the olivine and
pyroxene minerals from Obnazhennaya xenoliths. These estimates are
considered to be upper limits, given the potential for an unknown
proportion of intact fluid inclusions to remain after crushing,
therefore Cl data that is based on stepped heating are likely to
overestimate the abundance of Cl within the minerals. It is notable,
however, that melt Cl estimates are consistent with values that have
been published for the eruptive melt composition (0.01-0.33 wt% Cl)
(Sobolev et al., 2011; Basu et al.,
1995), which provides comfort in the assumptions that were made and
confirming that the SFB melt was already Cl enriched prior to eruption.
According to Broadley et al.
these arguments therefore constitute further, albeit indirect, support
for the SCLM origin for the majority of halogens in the SFB melts.
End-Permian extinction – implications
It was considered that the depletion of ozone during the end-Permian
crisis led to the decline of the dominant terrestrial plant species at
the time, which was followed by the rapid expansion of opportunistic
lycopsids (Visscher et al., 2004). The global distribution of the
microspores that have been preserved from these emerging lycopsids
exhibit features that are indicative of a failure in the normal
development process of the spores. It is suggested by the global
dispersion of these mutagenic spores that this was a reaction to global
stress factors that are not likely to be related to global temperature
changes from the release of gasses such as SO2 and CO2
during the emplacement of the SFB (Beerling et al., 2007). A 5-fold
increase in the occurrence of mutagenic malformations, as well as
complete sterilisation (Benca et al., 2018) has resulted from
experiments on the effects of end-Permian UVB regimes on modern
conifers. The result of this would have been widespread deforestation
and the collapse of the terrestrial biosphere, which indicates that the
depletion of ozone was a major contributing factor in the mass
extinction event in the end-Permian (Beerling et al., 2007; Benca et
al., 2018).
The peak of mutagenic spores occurred prior to the rapid negative shift
in δ13C in end-Permian carbonates that has been attributed to
the extinction of calcified marine life (Visscher et al., 2004). The δ13C
excursions coincide with a change from eruptions that were predominantly
extrusive to eruptions that were predominantly intrusive of the Siberian
LIP (Burgess et al., 2017). It was considered that the emplacement of
sills into sediments that were rich in volatiles released vast
quantities of volatiles, which included CO2 and halocarbon
gasses to the atmosphere, which led to climate change and depletion of
the ozone (Burgess et al., 2017; Svensen et al., 2009). It is clear from
the palynological evidence (Visscher et al., 2004), however, that prior
to the onset of the marine extinction, a reduction in terrestrial
biodiversity was occurring. Also, there is evidence of reduced rates of
sedimentation prior to the Permian-Triassic boundary which indicates
there was a global regression of eustatic sea level, which was
potentially caused by a lowering of global temperatures and the onset of
glaciation (Baresel et al., 2017). The rapid decrease in temperatures
has been linked to SO2 emission to the atmosphere during the
eruptive phase of the SFB.
The concurrent timing of the eruptive phase of the SFB and the evidence
from palynology for depletion of the ozone is not consistent with the
idea that the degassing of sedimentary brines in the late intrusive
phase of igneous activity was the primary cause of halogens causing the
destruction of the ozone. It was shown in this study that the majority
of halogens in the SFB were added during plume-lithosphere interaction,
which was followed by their subsequent release to the atmosphere during
explosive eruptions. According to Broadley et al. enrichments of
sulphur, which co-existed with halogens in SFB (Aiuppa et al., 2005),
may also have been derived from the SCLM. It is therefore suggested by
evidence of a decline in terrestrial species prior to the Permo-Triassic
boundary that the release of halogens and gaseous sulphur species, as
well as the subsequent decrease of ozone and global temperatures,
respectively, were the predominant factors involved in the initiation of
mass extinction of the end-Permian. The change of eruptive phase from
explosive to intrusive may have played a role in the extension of the
extinction from a phenomenon that was mainly terrestrial to a global
Volatiles in the Siberian lithosphere – subducted origin
It is indicated by the high concentrations of halogens in the Udachnaya
xenoliths that the Siberian SCLM has been enriched in volatiles by
metasomatic processes. The values of Br/Cl and I/Cl that are similar to
fluids trapped within minerals in the altered oceanic crust (AOC), which
suggests that subduction-derived fluids drove the metasomatism of the
Siberian SCLM (Chavrit et al.,
2016). When combined with the noble gases, the Udachnaya xenoliths show
an evolution from seawater-like 3He/4He, Br/Cl and
I/Cl values, to values that have increasingly radiogenic 3He/4He
values that are enriched in Br/Cl and I/cl values, which suggested
further that metasomatic fluid originated as seawater that has
subsequently evolved, during subduction or within the SCLM, due to
fractionation of halogen and the production of 4He from the
decay of U to Th (Barry et al., 2015). Values of up to 7.7% (Jacob et
al., 1994) are exhibited by eclogite xenoliths from the Udachnaya
kimberlite, which lie outsider the normal mantle range (+5.4 ± 0.2%)
(Eiler, 2001) and indicate that they originated as oceanic crust that
had undergone low temperature alteration (Jacob et al., 1994). It has
been shown that eclogites that formed from the subduction of oceanic
crust retain the halogen and oxygen isotopic signatures of the oceanic
crust protolith during metamorphism, which provides a mechanism for the
delivery of halogens that were derived from subduction to the Siberian
SCLM (Svensen et al., 2001; Philippot et al. 1998).
Up to 70% of volatile content to the Siberian plume has been shown in
this study to have originated from assimilation of metasomatised
lithospheric material. Therefore, an integral role in controlling the
volatile content of LIPS is played by the composition of the SCLM, and
as such the overall effect that they have on the global environment. It
appears that the Siberian SCLM volatiles originate from the subduction
of a component within the AOC that is derived from seawater, based on
the evolution of the Br/Cl, I/Cl and 3He/4He
values of the xenoliths from seawater – to AOC – like values, coupled
with the AOC-like δ18O values within eclogite xenoliths from
Udachnaya. Enrichment of volatiles, which are derived from seawater in
the Siberian SCLM, provided the plume with an abundant supply of
halogens, which had been released to the atmosphere during eruption and
resulted in reductions of ozone levels that were extensive globally and
the decline of the biosphere. The SCLM is also a major repository for
other volatiles species that had been subducted, including sulphur and
carbon (Callegaro et al., 2014; Foley & Fischer, 2017), which can also
contribute to environmental degradation during plume -lithosphere
interaction and emplacement of a LIP. Therefore, the SCLM can store
volatiles that have been subducted that can be mobilised periodically
and released to the surface of the Earth and the atmosphere during
deep-seated melting and volcanism, which lead to devastating impacts on
the global environment.
Broadley, M. W., et al. (2018). "End-Permian extinction amplified by
plume-induced release of recycled lithospheric volatiles." Nature
Geoscience 11(9): 682-687.
Author: M.H.Monroe Email: Sources & Further reading |